
Carnavon Hwy, Collarenebri

Agent: Ben Hiscox

Mobile: 0429 669 313



Tilden is located approximately 35 kms from Mungindi on the Carnavon Highway.


1,386* hectares (3424.88* acres) Western Lands Leasehold. The annual lease cost $512.00 p/a.

Carrying capacity is approximately 150 cows and calves. Calves turned off as weaners.


'Tilden' has a Cultivation Consent for 180 hectares that has been seeded with Buffel grass for some time.


'Tilden' is very well watered by the Eulalie Bore Group.  

Pipeline  Details

Size: 50mm 

Class: PN 6.3 Poly

Offset: 1.0m

Depth: 0.6mt

This trough and pipe system waters all three paddocks. 

The two main paddocks also have very good dams in each.


'Tilden' is split into 3 paddocks with the western boundary being near new exclusion fence. All other fencing is mostly in good to fair condition.


Set of fair quality steel cattle yards and partly portable yards with loading ramp and crush.

There is water to a trough in the yards.


Accommodation is a basic small hut, with an Iron roof. There is no electricity.

For more Information please contact:

Ben Hiscox

Director | BJA Stock and Station Agents

Mobile: 0429 669 313


Disclaimer: The information in full and extract form has been furnished to us by the vendor of the property listed. We have not verified whether of not said information is accurate and do not have any belief one way or another in its accuracy. BJA do not accept any responsibility to any person for its accuracy and do no more than pass it on. All interested parties should make and rely upon their own enquiries in order to determine whether or not this information is, in fact, accurate.
